White Papers
How to set up the Microsoft Azure Peering Service
How to set up the Microsoft Azure Peering Service

In this technical white paper, we explain what the Microsoft Azure Peering service is all about, how it is used, and what the differences to other setups and paths to Microsoft’s infrastructure are. You will learn about the benefits of using the service and we also explain the general set-up and specific details for DE-CIX Frankfurt.
This paper is aimed at technically-focused people and engineers who want to understand how the Azure Peering Service works and how to set it up. It contains specific details about the:
- provisioning process
- basic configuration
- prefix acceptance
- routes – both outbound and inbound
The white paper was written by Bernd Spiess from DE-CIX, and co-authored by Gerald Buchholz from Microsoft.
To download the white paper, please fill in the form.