
“Our Services Reduce Latencies And Improve The Overall Quality Of Internet” – Sudhir Kunder, Sr VP – Sales

“I Sincerely Believe That A Good Channel Ecosystem Helps An Organisation To Acquire The Width And Depth Of Coverage And Helps The Sis Also To Increase Their Share Of Wallet Within Their Existing Set Of Accounts. They Are Always Excited About Technology Changes And Improvements. Working With Them Helps Us To Reach Our Objective Faster And Their Local Know How Improves The Collaboration”

In a chat with VARINDIA, Sudhir Kunder, Sr. VP- National Head Sales, DE-CIX India discusses about the company, India as an opportunity and it’s positioning in it, importance of partners and many more

Established in 1995, DE-CIX, a provider of interconnection ecosystem, serves 1800+ carriers, ISPs and content networks from 100+ countries, including all leading international players in various metro markets in Europe, the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia and North America. With 8.3 Terabits per second of peak traffic, DE-CIX Frankfurt is the world’s leading Internet Exchange.

DE-CIX has also stepped into its 25 years jubilee and the company is celebrating its years of excellence in interconnection together with its partners like Angola Cables, Interxion, Nokia and Axians.

“DE-CIX is a provider of a premium interconnection ecosystem, where ISPs, DCs, CDNs, OTTs, Telcos, etc. can connect and exchange their data. Some of the connected networks can exchange 85% of their IP data over our exchanges.

We are improving network quality for networks on the Indian sub-continent. DE-CIX is the largest Internet Exchange in the most important internet gateway for the Indian sub-continent with more than 150 connected networks. In 2019, we opened three more Internet Exchanges in DelhiKolkata, and Chennai. The exchanges are operated by DE-CIX Interwire Internet Services Private Limited, which owns a nationwide license for India.

We have a long history of working across verticals and various industries. Our services reduce latencies and improve the overall quality of Internet. We make interconnection easy for them,” elaborates SudhirKunder.


Presently, DE-CIX offers Peering Ports but very soon it is going to launch Cloud Exchange. With this the company is aiming to set up an extensive cloud ecosystem which will include major global and smaller regional and local CSPs.

“Today we offer Peering Ports with 1G, 10G and 100G capacities. We are also very proud to introduce India’s first Cloud Exchange in the coming months. This will bring our customers together with Cloud Service Providers Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, with many more to come. Our objective is to build an extensive cloud ecosystem, including not only the major global players, but also many smaller regional and local CSPs. In the ecosystem, everyone has an important role to play. DE-CIXs cloud service DirectCLOUD is a dedicated connection between enterprise infrastructure – via ISP or DC – and CSP,” reveals Kunder.



Digitalization is not a new phenomenon as it started taking shape before Covid-19 by transferring applications and workloads into cloud. With the increase in internet traffic, the importance of a stable interconnectivity came to forefront. DE-CIX offerings open opportunities for ISPs and end customers.

“Digitalization was already happening before Covid-19, with bringing applications and workloads into the cloud. The current unfortunate situation has shown us the importance of functioning and stable interconnectivity. ISPs can offload the digital traffic of the customers and exchange that over DE-CIX with other networks. One port at DE-CIX is enough for countless connections with numerous networks, opening interesting possibilities for ISPs and end customers. Upgrades from 1G /10G /100G are quick and easy. And last but not least, our team is there to assist our customers and consult them with whatever their needs are,” highlights Kunder.



For DE-CIX, India is a crucial market for growth.Presently, the OTT traffic and the gaming traffic  growthis bringing it forth that India market has potential.

“At DE-CIX, we see India as a key growth market and a catalyst to the SAARC region as well. Current growth figures and trends are supporting the potential in the region, led by a traffic growth of 198% in OTT traffic and 110% in gaming traffic. We believe that we are not only equipped for todays’ requirements, but also prepared more than well for the future interconnection needs too.

We work with all major Internet companies in India, including Facebook, Google, Apple, Verizon, Microsoft, Zenlayer and Tencent among others,” reveals Kunder.



DE-CIX believes that a robust channel ecosystem is very critical for an organization in expansion. It also helps SIs to increase their revenue. DirectCLOUD is one such offerings which helps partners to generate revenue.

“DE-CIX has always been a partner friendly organisation globally. System Integrators (SI) have deep roots within every organisation. I sincerely believe that a good channel ecosystem helps an organisation to acquire the width and depth of coverage and helps the SIs also to increase their Share of Wallet within their existing set of accounts. They are always excited about technology changes and improvements. Working with them helps us to reach our objective faster and their local know how improves the collaboration. The new DirectCLOUD service provides connections to cloud service providers, such as Microsoft and Google with just a single port, which is a great selling point for our partners. Helping their customers to optimise their raw bandwidth consumption, will bring double value on the table in these challenging times,” explains Kunder.

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