
DE-CIX launches new white paper on Microsoft Azure Peering Service

DE-CIX, one of the world’s leading Internet Exchange operators, is launching a new white paper based on its global collaboration with Microsoft for the launch of the new Microsoft Azure Peering Service. The white paper provides detailed insights on how the Azure Peering Service provides dedicated, controlled, and direct Internet connections to the Microsoft network with the benefits of high availability, low latency and bandwidth.

The Azure Peering Service enables customers to connect to Microsoft SaaS services (e.g., Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365) over the public Internet, using the shortest path. It also offers network latency telemetry and route monitoring, and alerting against hijacks, leaks and any other Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) misconfigurations. By using DE-CIX’s global infrastructure ecosystem, which creates a business class interconnection service for large enterprises and ISPs, the user experience for the Microsoft SaaS services improves.

“The COVID-19 crisis demonstrates how dependant businesses are on class-A collaboration tools which are running in a secure, reliable and resilient way. DE-CIX is proud to support users of Microsoft SaaS Services, such as Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Dynamics 365, with the Microsoft Azure Peering Service. Customers will benefit from low latency, high bandwidth and also bringing excellent network connection closer to the enterprises, and so closer to the end user,” comments Dr Thomas King, Chief Technology Officer at DE-CIX, the Microsoft collaboration.

Yves Pitsch, Principal Program Manager, Microsoft Corp. said, “The new Microsoft Azure Peering Service will minimize latency and maximize the performance for enterprises that connect to Microsoft’s services. DE-CIX is one of the Internet Exchange partners worldwide that could offer us a carrier and data center-neutral interconnection ecosystem that complies with what we need: a high-performance connectivity platform with bandwidth guarantees, secure routing, low latency, and high standards in terms of redundancy.”

More information can be found here.


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